Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ashes to ashes, dust to - FUCK IT'S HOT!

umm... does some one want to explain to me how it's eighty two degrees at 6:15pm in mid-October? no one? oh yeah, because you can't.

thank goodness gracious for M.I.A. and Matt & Kim right now. work blows.

Friday, October 05, 2007

welcome to my 12-hour detox

i have decided to refrain from engaging in any human contact for the next twelve hours. granted, i will likely sleep through eight of them, but i remain firm in my decision and will feel immense satisfaction once this feat is accomplished. this detox came about for several reasons. allow me to share:

drinking is for losers. or lovers.
i've been spending too much money on alcohol lately. i know, i know. "engaging in any human contact" does not necessarily mean that i have to drink, but knowing myself (and my friends) tonight it really does. and i'm ok with that fact - just not tonight. work has really taken it's toll on me this week, and if i go out i'm 99% sure that i would be blackout drunk by 10:00pm. there is no light at the end of the tunnel right now, so it's a tequila shot chased by a Long Island kind of night. no need for another $112 bar tab. locking myself in my house with veggie pad thai and diet coke will suffice.

people are weird. and lame.
if i actually believed in time travel, i would honestly think that i had managed to jump ahead to October 26th because every one is acting like there's a full moon today. i've received the most random series of business and personal phone calls, text messages and emails in no particular order. as a result, i have become reclusive and defensive. thank goodness gracious that Lindsay works tonight not because i don't want to see her, but really for her own sake. i've self diagnosed myself as a complete bitch, so having some time for myself to cool off will allow me to morph back into my giggling, fabulous self.

i'll do what i want. for sure.
enough said.

to efficiently pass the time i have decided to work on my Holiday Card list for this year. yes, i am fully aware that it is October but that only means that December will be right around the corner. besides, i found the most amazing cards today, so i'm still on a mini greeting card high. snail mail is overlooked and under-rated. you don't realize how nice it is to receive something other than a bill or a coupon for Mystic Tan in the mail until you're actually reading it, so i urge you, friends, to send cards via the USPS as often as possible. i don't expect you to join me in the psycho realm of card giving (unless you so choose to with your own free will), but a two dollar folded cut of recycled paper and a 41 cent stamp can really go a long way. i digress.

see you in the a.m.