sugar and spice and everything nicelast night Nikki and i were reliving the greatest (and not so greatest but in the best way possible) moments of her birthday party this past weekend, and we came to the conclusion that we have the greatest friends in the whole fucking world. now i know that everyone says that, but honestly, when i sit back and think about all of the people i have in my life i feel incredibly blessed and sometimes take for granted that not everyone has such an amazing circle of friends.
* warning * this post is about to get ridiculously saccharine-laced.
sometimes in life you meet someone, and almost instantly you know this person was meant to be a part of your life because...
... this person not afraid to dance with you at shows like no one is watching, and would drop anything and everything for you in a time of need.

... when you're having a bad day, this person tells you it's "your day" and there is no one else in the world who you'd rather have be the plug to your socket.

... no matter how crazy the world makes you feel, this person makes you feel sane and loved unconditionally.

... whether you're in the mood to stir up some trouble, or need to vent after a crappy day, this person is only a speed dial call away.

... you share the same quirks and seemingly small but ever important likes and dislikes with this person, and certain things just don't feel right when they're not around.

... you have so much ridiculous fun with this person, and you both agree there are multiple times where you should have easily been dead in result of said fun.

... this person never fails to put a smile on your face and make you feel like an incredible human being simply because they are an incredible human being.

... 23 years of friendship is still at the top of this person's "important things" list despite the fact that your lives have gone in completely opposite directions.

... every time you're with this person you feel like you're 17 again, dancing at Tiger Heat - and you wouldn't have it any other way.

... no matter how busy you both are, this person always puts forth time and effort to see you, and when you finally do see each other it feels like no time has passed at all.

... everyone needs a giant in their life.

... you want to put this person in a little glass jar on your shelf because they are so darned cute.

... no one in the world aside from this person understands the importance of a taco as big as your head.

... your shared love for 90's music alone easily makes this person one of the most awesome people on earth.

... this person feels like your best friend from 2nd grade who always traded you their granola bar for your fruit roll-up.

ok, i'm making myself sick. i could go on, and on, and on... but i doubt you're even still reading this so i'll spare us both. in short, i freaking love my friends.