Thursday, June 11, 2009

Calgon, take me away.

i'm having one of those days. shit, i'm having one of those weeks. i have zero desire to do anything work related (hence a minimum of one Twitter update per hour, multiple Tumblr links, this mid-day blogging treat for you, etc.), and have an insatiable urge to spend every last penny that i don't have. eerily, i've just about convinced myself that it would be ok if i made the minimum payment on my Visa this month if it meant i was going to buy the Dolce Vita sandals i've had my eye on for a while. i have issues.

speaking of issues... my lovely co-worker Rachel decided it would be a good idea to send me a wonderful article about a bird in San Francisco that has decided to randomly attack people for no apparent reason as they walk down the street. just when i thought i couldn't possibly hate/fear birds any more than i did... thanks, Rach. you're the best!

but it could be worse. i could be this poor lady. the world is fucked up.

speaking of fucked up... i just bought the Dolce Vita sandals. i'm an idiot.

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