Saturday, January 05, 2008

you know you're getting old when your friends write rhymes about your age in your birthday card

morning after night 1 of birthday celebration report:
i'm the only one awake in the house. why am i awake? how am i not hung over? the world may never know...

last night i was pleasantly surprised with dinner and drinks at Robata Bar, followed by more drinks at Chloe (which smelled like a hamster cage that needed a good cleaning, by the way), topped off with what else but more drinks and some good ol' fashioned booty shaking at Nikki's. while i will admit that i was mildly upset the Medieval Times reservation voicemail i had received the night prior was only a prank, i couldn't have had a better time with better people.

i woke up at 6:37am in Dave's room with Chelsea to my direct right, and Dave on the other side of her. i find it odd and sweet that we all like to sleep three to a bed. builds a sense of camaraderie, i suppose...

ready for day 2. over and out.

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