a few things that need addressing
first, i was so freaking high last night. i started to write a bit, but for the life of me could not put together a coherent thought. luckily for you, i managed to save the ramblings as a draft and will now publish them for your viewing pleasure.
begin nonsense.
"'cause i'm gonna be hi-i-igh as a kite by then
i'm sitting in the living room drinking wine and watching The Blair Witch Project. i've also already consumed pot pasta (thanks Chad) and just cleared La Fonda (again) so motion sickness is beginning to set in. maybe blogging will settle the senses.
some pressing issues that have been on my mind lately:
- who are the people that join (insert useless object here) of the month clubs? why do they feel the need to have nonsense sent to them on a monthly basis? do they really eat the fruit from the fruit of the month club? do they really drink the random beer that no one has ever heard of that comes to their doorstep month after month? or does it all just sit in their garage/basement/attic/cupboard/trash can like i think that it does? just curious.
- why do people ever feel the need to fake cry? i hate people who fake cry. not in a joking way, because every one is occasionally guilty of a pouty crying protest when they don't get their way. i mean the people who just flat out fake cry for attention. did you really hurt yourself that bad when you drunkenly walked into the door at The Whaler? no. so don't fake cry.
- what is the real reason behind Donald Duck wearing a shirt but no pants, and then wearing a towel around his waist when he gets out of the shower? what is he covering up? he doesn't wear pants. why the fuck does he put the towel on?!! i fucking hate it."
end nonsense.
next, i am obsessed with Monkeywrencher Love Song by The Honey Brothers at the current moment. it has been on repeat for the past day.
i (and by i, i really mean me, my roommates, and even Greg across the street, and maybe even you) am also obsessed with Guitar Hero on PS2. Nikki and Danielle played it last night at Greg's and would not stop talking about it. i thought they were idiots. i had played very briefly once with Jake. neither one of us really loved it so we dismissed it without a second thought. but they would not stop ranting, so i figured i'd give it a second chance. one word: AMAZING. you're probably shaking your head and rolling your eyes but trust me, you don't even know the half of it. you think we're lame for even admitting that we play, let alone know what Guitar Hero is? oh, child. we're such losers that we actually found a used copy on Craigslist and proceeded to drive to Northridge to pick it up. never thought i'd go to the valley again ever in my life, but there are some things that you just have to do. going to the valley to purchase Guitar Hero from our new friend Jonathan was one of them. we've pretty much been playing non-stop. don't be jealous. you, too, can be a Guitar Hero. shit, you can be a Guitar Hero 2 on November 7th. that's right - Guitar Hero 2. write it on your calendars.
speaking of things that i love, i've rekindled my fondness for FreeCell. maybe because i'm a FreeCell champion. i'm just that good...
in fact, i would play a few rousing games right now but have just realized that i'm super sleepy. Seacrest, out.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
who wants another shot?
my mission last night was clear and simple - get every one drunk. how did i go about tackling this feat? pouring round after round of shots non stop seemed to do the trick. how ever, some i managed to convince myself that it was perfectly logical for me to "sample" one from each round that went out. 12 rounds later, i was a little sleepy to say the least.
but all and all i was successful. TJ was pretty much ready to puke when Nikki and i were saying our goodbyes so i was happy. except for when i was on a hike this morning with Nix, D and D's mom and i thought i was going to throw up. i wasn't very happy then. but it was nothing a little meditation by the stream couldn't fix. thank the lord for the stream and the crazy lady with a bell on her shoe. i'm pretty sure she helped me in some way or another whether she knows it or not.

happy birthday, TJ.
my mission last night was clear and simple - get every one drunk. how did i go about tackling this feat? pouring round after round of shots non stop seemed to do the trick. how ever, some i managed to convince myself that it was perfectly logical for me to "sample" one from each round that went out. 12 rounds later, i was a little sleepy to say the least.
but all and all i was successful. TJ was pretty much ready to puke when Nikki and i were saying our goodbyes so i was happy. except for when i was on a hike this morning with Nix, D and D's mom and i thought i was going to throw up. i wasn't very happy then. but it was nothing a little meditation by the stream couldn't fix. thank the lord for the stream and the crazy lady with a bell on her shoe. i'm pretty sure she helped me in some way or another whether she knows it or not.

happy birthday, TJ.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
drip, drip, drip, drip...
what's the most annoying sound you can think of? quick, just off the top of your head. the sound of water unremittingly dripping outside of your window when you're trying to fall asleep? weird, that's what i came up with, too!
but it's not just a water drop - it's a water drop echoing through a freaking drain on the side of a building or some nonsense like that. the first night i heard it i thought i was losing my mind; either that or some one was playing a cruel joke on me. but night after night after night i hear it. no one else hears it from their rooms - Nikki and Danielle thought i was making things up. but i'm not. i have to leave my tv on all night to mask that repetitive, mind numbing, soul defacing sound. and it doesn't happen during the day. i work at home, my desk is right by my open window - NOTHING. then the sun sets and it begins.
maybe it's really the neighbor who hates us (he thinks we dented his car with an empty beer can...) attempting his version of Chinese water torture. maybe i should really go throw beer cans at his car. full ones...
what's the most annoying sound you can think of? quick, just off the top of your head. the sound of water unremittingly dripping outside of your window when you're trying to fall asleep? weird, that's what i came up with, too!
but it's not just a water drop - it's a water drop echoing through a freaking drain on the side of a building or some nonsense like that. the first night i heard it i thought i was losing my mind; either that or some one was playing a cruel joke on me. but night after night after night i hear it. no one else hears it from their rooms - Nikki and Danielle thought i was making things up. but i'm not. i have to leave my tv on all night to mask that repetitive, mind numbing, soul defacing sound. and it doesn't happen during the day. i work at home, my desk is right by my open window - NOTHING. then the sun sets and it begins.
maybe it's really the neighbor who hates us (he thinks we dented his car with an empty beer can...) attempting his version of Chinese water torture. maybe i should really go throw beer cans at his car. full ones...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
"you can put it on your blog"
fine, i will.
amusing Sunday anecdote:
last night i crawl into bed and pull the blankets up over my head, but quickly realize that something isn't right.
so i turn on the light only to find that some one threw up on my sheet a little. i debate for a moment whether or not to immediately throw it in the washing machine, but the half a vicodin and cold medicine i took earlier are already in full swing, and i realize there is nothing i can do about it.
feeling defeated, i toss the sheet aside and go to sleep.
fine, i will.
amusing Sunday anecdote:
last night i crawl into bed and pull the blankets up over my head, but quickly realize that something isn't right.
so i turn on the light only to find that some one threw up on my sheet a little. i debate for a moment whether or not to immediately throw it in the washing machine, but the half a vicodin and cold medicine i took earlier are already in full swing, and i realize there is nothing i can do about it.
feeling defeated, i toss the sheet aside and go to sleep.
things you may not have known before you read this
1. there are four stages of sickness
being sick is a grueling process. let's face it, it doesn't matter if you catch something as simple as a common cold or as volatile as the sars (yes, i just said the sars) feeling under the weather is no bueno. there seems to be a little something going around right now, and having recently entered the beginning of stage four myself, i thought i'd take this time to offer a few words of wisdom to help you and/or your loved ones along.
stage one: blissful ignorance
you feel a little run down but refuse to even consider that you are in pre-sickness mode. physical, mental and emotional exhaustion seep from your every pore, but you blame it on the one too many Ketel tonics that you had the night before, or the vitamins that you forgot to take in the morning. don't be fooled. denial is no one's friend. you are getting sick. do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, immediately go to your medicine cabinet and take the vitamins you claimed to have forgotten accompanied by some airborne or emergen-C to start fighting this thing head on.
stage two: failure and helplessness
you now know that you are sick. there is no turning back. laying in bed and whining profusely are at the top of your to do list, and it feels like every one around you wishes you weren't there. at the risk of sounding overly cruel, they don't want you there. "i don't want to get sick" maliciously rolls off of the tongues belonging to your friends, roommates, family and co-workers. even the guy at Starbucks doesn't want anything to do with you as he lays your change on the counter rather than putting it directly in your hand. he doesn't want your germs. in fact, he doesn't even want you in his store.
stage three: cynicism and spite
the children's song "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess i'll eat some worms" is now on repeat in your mind. you're grumpy - really grumpy - and you mistake any genuine concern for pity. feeling tossed aside like an outcast, you envelop outcast mode. "if they don't want to be around me, then i'll lock myself in my room and never come out again" becomes a rational thought in your head.
** the only comforting words i can offer are fret not, for most likely all of these people you have encountered will become sick within the next day or two (thanks to you). but when that time comes, you will not mock them. you will not send them disparaging thoughts. you will hope that they recover swiftly, for karma is a bitch, my friend. (fine, i will let you have first 5 minutes - not one more or less - after you learn they have become ill to laugh behind their backs and hope that others treat them with the same disdain that they imposed on you but only because every once in a while vindication is well deserved)
stage four: acceptance and letting go.
the virus inside you is slowly but surely dying. your strength is returning due to the fact that DayQuil (or NyQuil depending on the time of day) has been entering your body like clockwork. you can almost breath out of your nose when you wake up in the morning. congratulations, you fought a hard battle.
your friends start calling you again because they figure they've given you enough time to recuperate and they have missed you and/or your drunken antics. you try to act like you're bitter because a small part of you feels that they left you for dead, but that's only stage three trying to creep back into your life. deep down you really missed them, too. so put on your favorite jeans, go to the Whaler, and have a celebratory Scooby. i promise it will make you feel brand new. if one Scooby turns into 13, and you suddenly feel sick again the next morning, don't be alarmed for we all know that is a completely different kind of sickness. you still have every right to be proud that you conquered your previous ailment and won, but getting over your hang over is a whole other blog...
2. there is nothing better in the world than a bagel special from Abbot's Habit
you may be shaking your head in disapproval because you think there are plenty of things in the world that are better than a bagel special from Abbot's Habit. hear me out, try it, then get back to me.
the preface: one bagel special is too much for one person, so grab a friend - or just make one when you get there - because proportion is key.
the perfect order: one bagel special with lox and a wheat bagel scooped out. one more wheat bagel scooped out with cream cheese. and then a caffeinated beverage of your choice (my recommendation: iced soy latte with two Equals).
the perfect way to construct your bagel layer by layer: cream cheese, red onion, avocado, sprouts. that pretty much fills the "scooped" part of the bagel leaving a perfect canvas to lay the tomato, lox, and then the cucumber on top so that you have something that's not sticky/slimy/gross to hold on to. eat it one half at a time so as to avoid awkward bites or eating too fast. this will also reduce the chances of other people (maybe even the friend you brought or recently made) giving you a funny look as you try to fit the entire height of the bagel plus toppings in your mouth all at once.
the aftermath: complete satisfaction.
3. i love you
ok, so this one is pretty much a given but just in case i haven't told you lately i thought i should throw it out there. i just love you.
1. there are four stages of sickness
being sick is a grueling process. let's face it, it doesn't matter if you catch something as simple as a common cold or as volatile as the sars (yes, i just said the sars) feeling under the weather is no bueno. there seems to be a little something going around right now, and having recently entered the beginning of stage four myself, i thought i'd take this time to offer a few words of wisdom to help you and/or your loved ones along.
stage one: blissful ignorance
you feel a little run down but refuse to even consider that you are in pre-sickness mode. physical, mental and emotional exhaustion seep from your every pore, but you blame it on the one too many Ketel tonics that you had the night before, or the vitamins that you forgot to take in the morning. don't be fooled. denial is no one's friend. you are getting sick. do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, immediately go to your medicine cabinet and take the vitamins you claimed to have forgotten accompanied by some airborne or emergen-C to start fighting this thing head on.
stage two: failure and helplessness
you now know that you are sick. there is no turning back. laying in bed and whining profusely are at the top of your to do list, and it feels like every one around you wishes you weren't there. at the risk of sounding overly cruel, they don't want you there. "i don't want to get sick" maliciously rolls off of the tongues belonging to your friends, roommates, family and co-workers. even the guy at Starbucks doesn't want anything to do with you as he lays your change on the counter rather than putting it directly in your hand. he doesn't want your germs. in fact, he doesn't even want you in his store.
stage three: cynicism and spite
the children's song "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess i'll eat some worms" is now on repeat in your mind. you're grumpy - really grumpy - and you mistake any genuine concern for pity. feeling tossed aside like an outcast, you envelop outcast mode. "if they don't want to be around me, then i'll lock myself in my room and never come out again" becomes a rational thought in your head.
** the only comforting words i can offer are fret not, for most likely all of these people you have encountered will become sick within the next day or two (thanks to you). but when that time comes, you will not mock them. you will not send them disparaging thoughts. you will hope that they recover swiftly, for karma is a bitch, my friend. (fine, i will let you have first 5 minutes - not one more or less - after you learn they have become ill to laugh behind their backs and hope that others treat them with the same disdain that they imposed on you but only because every once in a while vindication is well deserved)
stage four: acceptance and letting go.
the virus inside you is slowly but surely dying. your strength is returning due to the fact that DayQuil (or NyQuil depending on the time of day) has been entering your body like clockwork. you can almost breath out of your nose when you wake up in the morning. congratulations, you fought a hard battle.
your friends start calling you again because they figure they've given you enough time to recuperate and they have missed you and/or your drunken antics. you try to act like you're bitter because a small part of you feels that they left you for dead, but that's only stage three trying to creep back into your life. deep down you really missed them, too. so put on your favorite jeans, go to the Whaler, and have a celebratory Scooby. i promise it will make you feel brand new. if one Scooby turns into 13, and you suddenly feel sick again the next morning, don't be alarmed for we all know that is a completely different kind of sickness. you still have every right to be proud that you conquered your previous ailment and won, but getting over your hang over is a whole other blog...
2. there is nothing better in the world than a bagel special from Abbot's Habit
you may be shaking your head in disapproval because you think there are plenty of things in the world that are better than a bagel special from Abbot's Habit. hear me out, try it, then get back to me.
the preface: one bagel special is too much for one person, so grab a friend - or just make one when you get there - because proportion is key.
the perfect order: one bagel special with lox and a wheat bagel scooped out. one more wheat bagel scooped out with cream cheese. and then a caffeinated beverage of your choice (my recommendation: iced soy latte with two Equals).
the perfect way to construct your bagel layer by layer: cream cheese, red onion, avocado, sprouts. that pretty much fills the "scooped" part of the bagel leaving a perfect canvas to lay the tomato, lox, and then the cucumber on top so that you have something that's not sticky/slimy/gross to hold on to. eat it one half at a time so as to avoid awkward bites or eating too fast. this will also reduce the chances of other people (maybe even the friend you brought or recently made) giving you a funny look as you try to fit the entire height of the bagel plus toppings in your mouth all at once.
the aftermath: complete satisfaction.
3. i love you
ok, so this one is pretty much a given but just in case i haven't told you lately i thought i should throw it out there. i just love you.
Friday, October 20, 2006
being sick = no fun
yesterday i had a minor sore throat, but convinced myself that i simply smoked too much weed the previous night. then i woke up this morning and couldn't breathe through my nose and it became apparent that i have been in denial. i am sick. i really hate being sick - which seems superfluous to say, but i really hate being sick. most of you are probably telling me to "get over it" as you read this, seeing that i work from home and can just crawl into bed at my leisure. i'm a mere 2 feet (if that) from my wonderfully cozy bed, yet the last of the four jobs that i'm supposed to get out ASAP is staring me in the face and mocking me incessantly. i hate it, too.
at least today is Friday, my favorite day of the week. i’ll do what i need to do, rest when/if i can and suck it up. fear not, you WILL see me at The Whaler for happy hour.
yesterday i had a minor sore throat, but convinced myself that i simply smoked too much weed the previous night. then i woke up this morning and couldn't breathe through my nose and it became apparent that i have been in denial. i am sick. i really hate being sick - which seems superfluous to say, but i really hate being sick. most of you are probably telling me to "get over it" as you read this, seeing that i work from home and can just crawl into bed at my leisure. i'm a mere 2 feet (if that) from my wonderfully cozy bed, yet the last of the four jobs that i'm supposed to get out ASAP is staring me in the face and mocking me incessantly. i hate it, too.
at least today is Friday, my favorite day of the week. i’ll do what i need to do, rest when/if i can and suck it up. fear not, you WILL see me at The Whaler for happy hour.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
drumroll please
it's the moment you've all been waiting for - the unveiling of the newest addition to 124 Fleet Street. and the winner is... Dave! no, not Dave the dog (though he is still here and yes it does get confusing sometimes with both of them in the same room.), Dave {insert last name here}. i would give you his last name so that you could stalk him on myspace but it wouldn't do much good because he's "one of those" - and by "one of those" i mean people who feel the need to make their profile private. (don't worry, Dave. i'm "one of those", too.)
so funny story about Dave... after we interview him, we determine he's a cool kid and what not. we go away to Mexico for Danille's birthday and while we're gone, Dave looks at a couple other places. we get back from Mexico, interview a couple more people, don't really like any of them and make the obvious choice. but in this short time period, Dave temporarily goes insane and agrees to move in with some one else. who, you ask? EXCELLENT question. why, Jordan B Nice! who else? small world... and don't worry, folks. Dave has obviously come back down to the real world, as he now lives with us instead of our lovely (for lack of better term) ex-roommate.
another funny story about Dave. he LOVES cats. lol.
moving on...
tonight's the night, kids! grab your loved ones and get ready for the PR season finale. i'm nervous and excited all at the same time. if Laura wins i'll just DIE. i can not stand her or any of her black dresses for that matter. please God, if there is a God, do NOT let Laura Bennett win Season 3 of Project Runway. if she does, i will know for a fact that the show is rigged. while i'll admit that i do like Jay, Chloe should not have won last year so this year if they get it wrong again it'll be too much. enough is enough, people. cross your fingers.
it's really hot in my room. i need a diet coke...
it's the moment you've all been waiting for - the unveiling of the newest addition to 124 Fleet Street. and the winner is... Dave! no, not Dave the dog (though he is still here and yes it does get confusing sometimes with both of them in the same room.), Dave {insert last name here}. i would give you his last name so that you could stalk him on myspace but it wouldn't do much good because he's "one of those" - and by "one of those" i mean people who feel the need to make their profile private. (don't worry, Dave. i'm "one of those", too.)
so funny story about Dave... after we interview him, we determine he's a cool kid and what not. we go away to Mexico for Danille's birthday and while we're gone, Dave looks at a couple other places. we get back from Mexico, interview a couple more people, don't really like any of them and make the obvious choice. but in this short time period, Dave temporarily goes insane and agrees to move in with some one else. who, you ask? EXCELLENT question. why, Jordan B Nice! who else? small world... and don't worry, folks. Dave has obviously come back down to the real world, as he now lives with us instead of our lovely (for lack of better term) ex-roommate.
another funny story about Dave. he LOVES cats. lol.
moving on...
tonight's the night, kids! grab your loved ones and get ready for the PR season finale. i'm nervous and excited all at the same time. if Laura wins i'll just DIE. i can not stand her or any of her black dresses for that matter. please God, if there is a God, do NOT let Laura Bennett win Season 3 of Project Runway. if she does, i will know for a fact that the show is rigged. while i'll admit that i do like Jay, Chloe should not have won last year so this year if they get it wrong again it'll be too much. enough is enough, people. cross your fingers.
it's really hot in my room. i need a diet coke...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
i can not believe that iridescent pregnant carrot top had the audacity to try and start shit with Jeffrey on PR last night. who does she think she is? it was one thing when Kayne actually saw design books in Keith Michael's room and went to the producers about it; but to "tell on some one" based on pure speculation? ridiculous. ri-fucking-diculous.
if Jeffrey does not get to show at Olympus Fashion Week... i don't even want to think about it.
make it work.
i can not believe that iridescent pregnant carrot top had the audacity to try and start shit with Jeffrey on PR last night. who does she think she is? it was one thing when Kayne actually saw design books in Keith Michael's room and went to the producers about it; but to "tell on some one" based on pure speculation? ridiculous. ri-fucking-diculous.
if Jeffrey does not get to show at Olympus Fashion Week... i don't even want to think about it.
make it work.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
3:20 isn't nearly as good as 4:20
first, i'm locked in my room right now because the termite man is upstairs spraying again and i hate it. for any one not familiar with the appearance of a termite please search Google for pictures. they're nothing at all what i expected them to be. who knew termites had wings? i guess the termite man, did...
second, we've found some one to rent the loft but i'm not prepared to reveal the individual's identity yet for security purposes. story (GREAT story) will follow shortly with the unveiling.
third, work has been very stressful today. i don't like it one bit. i miss Starbucks every day. i would leave my house to go get a latte right now but that would require me walking through living room and the termite chemicals, which would defeat the purpose of locking myself in my room. fuck.
fourth, four is my favorite number.
enough with the numbers... Nikki introduced me to ear candles last night. they're amazing. i highly recommend you go to your nearest health food store and pick some up. get some for your friends, make a drink, lay with your head on the table together and see what gross shit comes out of your ears. guaranteed good times.
Sunday i got the Bangles "Everything" on vinyl and i can't stop listening to it. i love it. brings me back to 3rd grade when me, Katy, Mara and Kristin used to pretend we were the Bangles, but Kristin always got to be Susanna Hoffs. i don't remember who i was. i only remember i was never Susanna Hoffs.
better luck next time.
first, i'm locked in my room right now because the termite man is upstairs spraying again and i hate it. for any one not familiar with the appearance of a termite please search Google for pictures. they're nothing at all what i expected them to be. who knew termites had wings? i guess the termite man, did...
second, we've found some one to rent the loft but i'm not prepared to reveal the individual's identity yet for security purposes. story (GREAT story) will follow shortly with the unveiling.
third, work has been very stressful today. i don't like it one bit. i miss Starbucks every day. i would leave my house to go get a latte right now but that would require me walking through living room and the termite chemicals, which would defeat the purpose of locking myself in my room. fuck.
fourth, four is my favorite number.
enough with the numbers... Nikki introduced me to ear candles last night. they're amazing. i highly recommend you go to your nearest health food store and pick some up. get some for your friends, make a drink, lay with your head on the table together and see what gross shit comes out of your ears. guaranteed good times.
Sunday i got the Bangles "Everything" on vinyl and i can't stop listening to it. i love it. brings me back to 3rd grade when me, Katy, Mara and Kristin used to pretend we were the Bangles, but Kristin always got to be Susanna Hoffs. i don't remember who i was. i only remember i was never Susanna Hoffs.
better luck next time.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
welcome to the land of the living
ok, so i used to blog but then i found out over a period of time that i suck at it. not because i'm not witty enough, or because interesting things don't happen to me and i have nothing to share with the rest of the world, but simply because i'm lazy. then something miraculous happened. today as i was half asleep (yes, fully aware that it's only 11:30am and the fact that i've already napped can be viewed as "odd" to say the least), half watching a rousing episode of TLC's While You Were Out in which it was revealed that the woman revamping her room was discovered by Random House via her blog it dawned on me that it could happen. a year from now after you've been loving every second that you've spent reading about my sometimes crazy, mostly insane life, i, too, could be solicited to turn my daily ins and outs into a book. far fetched? absolutely.
fine, i'm starting a new blog because i miss writing. you caught me. i don't have some elaborate scheme in my head which ultimately lands me as a celebrated author (yes i do); i simply miss writing and sharing my writings with you. yes, you. you are special. don't ever let any one tell you otherwise. especially not your mother. a mother's words can be catastrophically damaging, or incredibly nurturing depending on how they come out. that's why i'm not sure i'm cut out to be a mom. it's too much pressure and responsibility.
i digress.
so last night Joyce and i went to see The Killers. great show, great venue, NOT so great people. what's wrong with people at concerts these days? overly obnoxious drunk idiots? check. seventeen year olds who clearly only bought tickets because they could make out for a few hours with absolute certainty that their parents couldn't walk in on them? check. girls (or guys for that matter...) who appear to be bored out of their minds and only attended because their date/boyfriend/husband/sugar daddy/whom ever bought them a ticket? check. old creepy men scoping for pre-pubescent teens who honestly think they have a chance of blowing some one in the band? check. pre-pubescent teens who honestly think they have a chance of blowing some one in the band? check. i just don't get it. but then again i don't think i get a lot of people these days. either i'm just becoming more picky with whom i associate myself with, or i've officially turned into one of those people who thinks that every one else in the world besides themselves is a full fledged weirdo. newsflash to the latter (maybe me...) the "it's not me, it's them" theory is ridiculous. there is nothing believable in saying that you are normal and no one else is. get over yourself.
again, i digress.
i think i'm hungry. or maybe i haven't had enough caffeine yet, today. Gaby's and coffee it is.
it's good to be back, thanks for having me.
ok, so i used to blog but then i found out over a period of time that i suck at it. not because i'm not witty enough, or because interesting things don't happen to me and i have nothing to share with the rest of the world, but simply because i'm lazy. then something miraculous happened. today as i was half asleep (yes, fully aware that it's only 11:30am and the fact that i've already napped can be viewed as "odd" to say the least), half watching a rousing episode of TLC's While You Were Out in which it was revealed that the woman revamping her room was discovered by Random House via her blog it dawned on me that it could happen. a year from now after you've been loving every second that you've spent reading about my sometimes crazy, mostly insane life, i, too, could be solicited to turn my daily ins and outs into a book. far fetched? absolutely.
fine, i'm starting a new blog because i miss writing. you caught me. i don't have some elaborate scheme in my head which ultimately lands me as a celebrated author (yes i do); i simply miss writing and sharing my writings with you. yes, you. you are special. don't ever let any one tell you otherwise. especially not your mother. a mother's words can be catastrophically damaging, or incredibly nurturing depending on how they come out. that's why i'm not sure i'm cut out to be a mom. it's too much pressure and responsibility.
i digress.
so last night Joyce and i went to see The Killers. great show, great venue, NOT so great people. what's wrong with people at concerts these days? overly obnoxious drunk idiots? check. seventeen year olds who clearly only bought tickets because they could make out for a few hours with absolute certainty that their parents couldn't walk in on them? check. girls (or guys for that matter...) who appear to be bored out of their minds and only attended because their date/boyfriend/husband/sugar daddy/whom ever bought them a ticket? check. old creepy men scoping for pre-pubescent teens who honestly think they have a chance of blowing some one in the band? check. pre-pubescent teens who honestly think they have a chance of blowing some one in the band? check. i just don't get it. but then again i don't think i get a lot of people these days. either i'm just becoming more picky with whom i associate myself with, or i've officially turned into one of those people who thinks that every one else in the world besides themselves is a full fledged weirdo. newsflash to the latter (maybe me...) the "it's not me, it's them" theory is ridiculous. there is nothing believable in saying that you are normal and no one else is. get over yourself.
again, i digress.
i think i'm hungry. or maybe i haven't had enough caffeine yet, today. Gaby's and coffee it is.
it's good to be back, thanks for having me.
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