Thursday, November 16, 2006

myspace... no longer mine?

before you freak out and throw me on a pile of burning wood, calm down and read. no, people, i'm not saying that i'm over myspace. i still check it religiously and would be desperately lost without it. BUT in the recent weeks i have become more and more dissatisfied with the myspace world. maybe dissatisfied is the wrong word... bored? hence me starting this blog. and now, friends, at the urge of Ben Gibbard i've also created a MOG account.

what is MOG, you say? funny, because i'm not really sure. from what i gather it's a community similar to myspace but is purely made for music, musicians and music fans alike. no, you won't have to deal with unsolicited friend requests from horrible bands because there are no friend requests. it's really just a page that you create to share your likes (or dislikes for that matter) with whom ever chooses to stumble across you.

i'm still building and becoming acquainted with the whole idea, but check it before you wreck it.

go make your own. you know you want to. and i want to see what you're listening to...

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