Saturday, November 11, 2006

things i would tell Danielle if she were here

1.) i hate it when people say "that is so you!" what is that even supposed to mean? how is it possible for an inanimate object to be "so me"? i remind you of a sweater? or a pair of sunglasses? "oh my god, those shoes are so you." some one told me that today. no thanks.

2.) it's colder than a mother fucker outside. on Monday it was ninety something degrees. today when i was having a beer on the boardwalk i thought my fingers were going to fall off due to their ungodly low temperature. frostbite - no one's friend.

3.) Lola the cat will not leave me alone. i want her to leave me alone. i miss my cat. i hate Lola the cat. Dave the dog is fine.

4.) it hurts behind my left eye again. i need you to squeeze that one part of my hand, which you say relieves the pain behind my eye, but really it just hurts, too, so i stop thinking about the pain behind my eye. as long as the ends justify the means...

5.) i miss you.

but i guess if Danielle were here and i was telling her these things number five would be irrelevant. oh well.

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